Tradition since 1952

ENTRE­PRE­NEU­RIAL SPIRIT INCLUDED: WOUNDWO can look back with pride on an exciting history. In 1952 Walther Grün set up the whole­sale company “Plas­tica” in Graz, and started supp­lying plastic products for the retail sector. The company’s range mainly included house­wares such as plastic tubs, eggcups and drin­king cups and glasses, but it also featured protec­tive covers for writing imple­ments. Walther Grün reco­gnised the future of this new mate­rial that was finding its way into peop­le’s homes. His motto was “Ein Unter­nehmer ist der, der etwas unter­nimmt” (“An entre­pre­neur is someone who under­takes some­thing”), which conti­nues up to the present day to be both a driving force and a guiding prin­ciple for WOUNDWO.

Ein Schwarzweiß-Foto der Plastica-Filiale im Jahre 1952

1952 to 1982

Between 1952 and 1982, the company expe­ri­enced a period of growth, driven by the pionee­ring spirit of the company’s founder. The company reinvented itself over and over again. Walther Grün passed on his entre­pre­neu­rial spirit and his curio­sity to his two sons, who soon joined the family busi­ness. In 1965, the company started focu­sing on its current product line – sun protec­tion systems. The acqui­si­tion of a Swedish licence to manu­fac­ture blinds in Austria marked the begin­ning of this new phase. In 1975, the produc­tion of Vene­tian blinds, roller shut­ters, awnings and folding doors was incre­a­singly successful. As a result, a second busi­ness loca­tion was esta­blished in Graz’s Kärnt­ner­straße: 6,000 m² devoted to the manu­fac­ture of sun protec­tion products. No one could have fore­told that, just seven years later, this site would need to be enlarged first by 2,000 m², and then once again to a total of 12,000 m².

The year the WO&WO brand was born

With “WOhnen drinnen & WOhnen drau­ßen” (“Living indoors and living outdoors”), in 1994 the company relo­cated once again, in order to devote itself exclu­si­vely to “sun protec­tion design” at its new site in Graz. Under this name, the first ever compre­hen­sive manual for the industry was published – from the pen of WOUNDWO. Just a year later, the specially deve­l­oped iso-design inte­rior blind was laun­ched; the model was enor­mously successful. Licences were sold throughout Europe, which had a signi­fi­cant impact on the manu­fac­ture of exte­rior blinds and on market deve­lop­ment in Slovenia. In Maribor the company entered into a joint venture with Sonal, and shortly after that WOUNDWO acquired the firm Rotec in Ober­ko­chen, Germany, and founded WO&WO-Roll­la­den­technik GmbH. In 1998, we acquired 74% of the shares in Dolenz Gollner GmbH, Austria’s largest awning manu­fac­turer. Awnings and façade shading systems were added to complete the product range. 

2000 to 2009

The first decade of the new mill­en­nium was all about growth. In 2000, Dolenz Gollner was fully inte­grated into the group of compa­nies, although the brand remained. As a result, the company now also had a world-wide presence with the export of parts: the compe­tence centre at Hall in Tyrol was esta­blished. This has now been enlarged to include a logis­tics centre. The Hall loca­tion is beco­ming known as a global system provider of compo­n­ents rela­ting to quality awnings. New markets are being deve­l­oped in the compo­n­ents sector: in 2003 we acquired the company Erwilo in Bochum, Germany, which, in addi­tion to its own range, produces WOUNDWO awnings for, among others, the French WOUNDWO subsi­diary at Collégien near Paris. In 2009, Foli­flex König­stetten moved into the WOUNDWO store in Vienna and has been incor­po­rated into the firm as a brand.


Before WOUNDWO became part of the Munich-based indus­trial holding, the Grün family decided in 2006 to sell the company. Nego­tia­tions with Bava­ria’s Haas Group were very posi­tive, and there was soon talk of a joint future. A year later, WOUNDWO achieved the highest turnover in the company’s history. In 2015 the ADCURAM Group, whose foun­ders are every bit as dynamic as Walther Grün was, bought the company. As a result, the company has on board a finan­ci­ally strong owner who will actively pursue our shared vision as we move into the future.


WOUNDWO’s new Competence Center in Gabersdorf is a place of innovation and technology, opened in 2020. Equipped with the most modern machinery and equipment, the center offers the possibility to produce textile sun protection systems of the highest quality. The opening of this manufacturing center is an important step for WOUNDWO to strengthen its capabilities in the production of sun protection systems and to expand its production capacity. It is also a sign that WOUNDWO is always looking to improve and rise to the challenge of producing the best sun shading systems in the world.


SFPI Group acquired WOUNDWO in the summer of 2022, giving the company the opportunity to strengthen its market position in sun protection and offer its products and services on a larger international stage. The WOUNDWO brand offers a wide range of solar shading solutions for residential and commercial use, and the products are of high quality, developed according to the latest standards and technologies, and produced exclusively in Europe. SFPI Group, as a leader in the security industry, supports WOUNDWO in achieving its future goals and further growth.