For small to large spaces

The panel blind has many faces. Along­side all its tech­nical advan­tages, the diver­sity of designs and the option of use in virtually any inte­rior space in a home or public area makes this a product that offers a wealth of possi­bi­li­ties – and in addi­tion to its conven­tional use on windows and doors, as a room divider it creates new living spaces.

Indi­vi­dual design

Both large and small window areas can be cust­o­mised to your requi­re­ments. In summer, prevent your spaces from over­hea­ting, and in winter, the panel blind helps improve insu­la­tion. It provides privacy, and at the same time guaran­tees glare-free working at your work­sta­tion.


Panels for every season

The panels run smoothly in a two- to five-track rail which is affixed to the ceiling. Panels can be easily atta­ched and removed by means of a Velcro strip. So you can swap them in a jiffy depen­ding on how you feel and the time of year.

Fool-proof opera­tion

The opera­ting options for the panel blind speak for them­selves. Whether gliding freely or slid across using a drapery rod or draw­string, opera­tion is easy and conve­nient. All ‘INSIDE’ products from WOUNDWO are manu­fac­tured to be child-safe in accor­dance with EN 13120!


Panel blinds from WOUNDWO

  • Privacy screen and antiglare protec­tion
  • Protec­tion against heat and cold
  • Create your own accents with fabrics and colours
  • Change panels quickly, thanks to Velcro fastening
  • Opera­tion using drapery rod, draw­string or can be freely gliding
  • Child-safe in accor­dance with EN 13120
  • 200 colours and up-to-the-minute patterns
  • Light-fast fabric quality

Product overview for Panel blinds